Tuesday 13 January 2015

Rhino the never ending saga of murder

Rhino the never ending saga of murder

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Scientific name:
Ceratotherium simum (White Rhino)
Diceros bicrnis (Black Rhino)
To date 1,215 rhinos have been killed for their horn in South Africa alone
(Statistics 2014 1st January to date)

3569 killed by poachers so far. 
The gestation period for a Rhino is
15/16 months and if three a day are killed? 
Well you work out the numbers

The Kruger national park in South Africa has the highest count of 672 kills. And the for the record the Kruger national park is the equivalent in size to wales in the united kingdom. It is also just on the out skirts of the park where my wife and I lived in the area of Mpumalanga where we spent a lot of time working, enjoying and being with leopards and other animals when ever we could. Memories well preserved in our minds.

Mpumalanga is considered to be one of the most geographically diverse and unbelievably beautiful places on earth

Our back door view of where we used to live

 The circled area is where we lived next door to Kruger

And now here I am desperately trying to help the endangered Rhino of the Kruger and Rhino world wide with so many other caring souls.

African Rhinos are required for their body parts mainly being the horn to which is broken down to a powder and used as medicine. The same make up of the horn as your own finger nails.

In other words your finger nails can cure ailments, hangovers, fevers, sexual impotence and even to help devil possession and now without evidence can cure Cancer. Which has now increased its value even more? 
So I guess we had all better all start chewing our very expensive finger nails.
Rhinos are the second largest land mammal on earth. Elephants being the first. It is they and other animals that change the very ecosystem they live upon. If something is removed then the consequences can be catastrophic.

When the Rhino are gone what will happen to the plains of Africa and other places on earth without Rhino.

Let’s look at a video and watch the re-introduction of wolves to Yellow Stone park in America

If a few wolves can change a large scale of the environment into something for all species to live in, then man is only the catalyst for the reverse. As proved.

Landscapes will become different places and the ecosystem will change unless something is done to stop the slaughter of Rhino in Africa.

Now lets see how man and his need for sexual impotence and promise will affect the African plains

 As there is much info on this, click the image for more information


Remove 29,000 rhinos from planet earth and watch our enviroment change that we as visitors and invaders do all the time across the planet. The fruit basket of earth cannot be replenished once all has been taken and eaten or destroyed.

$1.5 million worth and it's called ''Art''

Sold for profit like you would buy sugar on the supermarket shelf. As the owner of this shop in Vietnam and I quote ''A lot of my patients have bought it'' ''But I don't see any effects''

Then why does this beautiful animal lay dead

A leopard that lives for 15 years contributes more than R85 million to the state coffers.
That’s the finding of a study conducted by the research institute Tourism Research, Economics, Environment and Society (Trees) of the North-West University’s Potchefstroom campus which was commissioned by SANParks. Prof. Melville Saayman of Trees and the lead researcher said yesterday that eco-tourism and especially the Big Five were invaluable for South Africa.
Hunters know exactly what a wild animal is worth, but the value of the same animal in a national park had not yet been determined. The organization “Trees” in a recently published study found that tourists are willing to pay more than R3 500 to view the Big Five in the Kruger National Park. The research team found a small family of three people spent about R10 000 for a four-day visit to the Kruger National Park. The researchers questioned about 600 visitors to the park.
The visitors were asked to indicate how much of their holiday money they would spend to see the Big Five. According to the results they are willing to pay on average R1 136.43 to see a leopard, R1 007.17 for a lion, R753, 12 a rhinoceros, R658, 91 for an elephant and R498, 50 for buffalo. Saayman pointed out the average lifespan of a leopard is estimated at 15 years and if 5 000 people saw the animal annually, this is an R85 232 250 contribution to the economy.
“The Kruger National Park attracts over a million visitors per year and this income supports between 300 000 and 600 000 people who live in the park’s surrounding areas,” Saayman said. The team conducted research at Punda Maria in the north of the Park and the Olifants Letaba and Mopani Rest Camp. Saayman said it is clear from the research that eco-tourism is a major job creator and that it makes a tremendous contribution to the public purse.
The findings can be very positive consequences for wildlife conservation organizations and private reserves. From a marketing standpoint, the addition of the Big Five to more parks and private game reserves is a highly attractive bait for visitors Saayman said.
Article curtisy of http://spurwingtourism.com/the-big-5-is-big-money/

So a Rhino is far more profitable alive than dead. So what people should be doing is helping tourism to make profit on a continual basis but instead many wish them dead for a ''ONE TIME PROFIT''

The big five of Africa
Or will it be

Next please.


All money raised will go to

UPDATE:  14/03/2015
Something has come along that can help change
the destiny of the Rhino
please watch

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